What’s In a Name?

RW Drabble 2.0.039: Eternal

Photo of Denali from Wikimedia Commons

This story was published in Medium’s Fiction Shorts.

A Drabble is a concise 100-word story that respects your busy schedule. Your presence here matters. Please stay on the page for thirty seconds so you will count as a reader. Thank you.

The setting: A mountain in Alaska.


I feel sorry for humans.

They’re around for such a short time. I must seem eternal to them: 60 million years. I’ve seen everything.

The new American President has changed my name again, back to McKinley. It’s been Denali for a few years. The Kuyukon People know who I am.

US Presidents come and go. Countries come and go. Empires come and go. Even mountains don’t last forever.

Sometimes, I wish I was more like the enlightened humans who hang out on my slope they know they have very little time, so every moment is precious and can’t be wasted.


Note: Wikipedia has excellent articles on Denali and the Kuyukon.

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