I walked by this sign a few days ago and have been thinking about it. Later the same day, I read there were 90 million refugees worldwide. These people have been forced out of their homes often by some violence. Sixteen million are Ukrainians, half displaced inside Ukraine and half elsewhere in Europe.
What would it be like to load all you could fit in your car and leave everything else behind, wondering when or if you would ever return?
Russia’s War on Ukraine has caused massive suffering. Sixteen million individual souls have their lives disrupted. Is there anything more cruel than that?
Cruelty is the bane of the world. It is hell incarnate.
Ukraine, NATO, and America are fighting a defensive war against Russia.
To stop the cruelty.
What if, today, war is the only answer?
More cruelty to stop the cruelty.
Yet I believe Gandhi was right when he said:
I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary. The evil it does is permanent.
Russia’s war, Ukraine’s response, and today’s cruelties played forward.
Alas, the world will not bow to ONE ANSWER.