You can check if you wish, but I’ve mentioned American President 45 only once in 246 Medium stories, and it was in a tale about a Chocolate Pie.
Presidents Obama and Biden have been equally ignored.
This is odd for someone who taught Politics for 50 years.
After all, for Political Scientists like me, Trump ought to be the gift that keeps giving.
There’s something new every day.
Like yesterday, and the insurrection clause of the 14th Amendment.
I’ve even been trolled by Facebook “friends” who think I should write about serious things, not chocolate pie.
They think the half-century gig wasn’t penance enough.
So I’ve been feeling guilty.
More importantly, I’ve got that moon photo.
As I took it a few weeks ago, Creedence Clearwater Revival’s Bad Moon Rising started playing in my head.
Along with visions of Mr. Trump.
Because I’d been reading apocryphal stories like the ones linked below.
So that’s the first thing you ought to do.
Read each of the hyperbolic Trump stories with Creedence as the soundtrack.
The trouble IS on the way, say the experts, with many bad moons rising.
The earth as Jupiter, with its 95 moons.
The second thing, and I say this with heart, head, and gut, born of a lifetime of studying political scholars and pundits, is that no one, not me, not you, no one, has a clue today what will happen on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
So ignore the elephant in the room. Lift the shade.
He will still be there in the morning. The prognosticators will as well.
Instead, focus on those around you and that wonderful world outside the window.
Where you might see something like this mouse.

More fascinating in expiration than Donald is in life.
And have another piece of Chocolate Pie.
Reader Comments
That CCR song is perfect for our current situation. Thanks for reminding us.
And we should still enjoy chocolate pie or our favorite donuts. : )
CCR never goes out of fashion. Thanks, Laurie