Some Day

Random challenge day 334: Motion

The photo of America’s White House is from Wikimedia Commons.

This Drabble was written for Fiction Shorts.

A Drabble is a concise 100-word story that respects your busy schedule. Your presence here matters. Please stay on the page for thirty seconds so you will count as a reader. Thank you.

The story is based on this image.

Friday, November 28, 2024

To Laura, my Granddaughter:

Some Day!

Not someday, as in someday there will be peace in Israel/Palestine.

No. Some Day a woman will be elected President of the United States. I know this fact but not the date.

I realize this for two reasons.

First, the world is full of mysterious motion, beyond our immediate comprehension. When I was born, my mother could not have her own bank account. Unimaginable, isn’t it?

Second, Laura, the world will soon be yours. The road is long and hard. Begin to imagine what isn’t to make its absence unimaginable.