Eight days ago the earth’s population topped eight billion people.
So many different smiles.
I want to add one more to the world’s smile mobilization each day.
After 73 years, it’s about time.
I don’t smile enough.
What about you?
Smiling takes effort.
I’ve learned when my mouth creaks upward, endorphins scurry off to my brain.
If I do this enough, my chances of dying from a heart attack are reduced 9%.
That’s better than the little Statin pill I take before bed.
Five years ago I tried an experiment.
One semester I crossed paths daily with another faculty member who I didn’t like because I thought she didn’t like me.
In the 20 years I knew her, she had never smiled at me.
Of course, I never smiled at her.
Do we ever stop being teenagers?
After a few weeks of curt nods at a sidewalk intersection, I smiled at Jo.
It was a ploy.
No, we never stop being teenagers.
I faked the feeling I hoped my smile was conveying.
Jo reciprocated.
One year later my partner Rebecca and I met with Jo in her office to talk about an off-campus program she had directed the previous year that we would lead later that year.
She generously provided many insights that would help us out. And continued doing so via email throughout our experience abroad.
And it occurred to me.
I liked her.
And it started with a put-on smile.

Reader Comments
Ain’t it the truth!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
Thank you Brian. I hope you are well.