Please, Help Us Save Our Marriage

Today’s random word is ruin.

Photo by the author


A Drabble is a work of fiction of precisely 100 words. This Drabble was written for Fiction Shorts.


Act One: The Office of Kendra White, Marriage Counselor (She, They)

Mrs. Red and Mr. Blue are sitting silently, staring forward.

White enters.

Mrs. Red begins speaking.

“Blue and I agree. Our union is in tatters.”

Blue: “In ruin.”

White: “Let’s begin with our preferred pronouns.”

Blue: “He.”

Red: “She, of course. Should we refer to you as they?”

White: “She is fine. Let’s start with each of you turning toward your partner to ask the first question that comes to mind.”

Red: “Why have you stopped going to church?”

Blue: “Why don’t you like our new neighbors, the Rodriquez’s?”