Random word challenge #363: Horses
This tale was published in Medium’s Fiction Shorts.
A Drabble is a concise 100-word story that respects your busy schedule. Your presence here matters. Please stay on the page for thirty seconds so you will count as a reader. Thank you.
This story is based on this image.
I’m not like Silver, Trigger or even Mister Ed. They were famous horses.
And full of themselves. All glitter, colorful bows, and pretty wrapping. Fragile. Easily shattered. And now, forgotten.
What does Thoreau say? Most live lives of quiet desperation.
Whether horse or human.
You’re like me, I’ll wager. No one would ever wrap you up and put you under a Christmas tree. Life has taught you to see through all that.
Now, at this ripe age, we’ve become friends with unrequited desire.
Disappointment doesn’t destroy us. Common wears well; fits comfortably, like an old saddle.
Yours truly, Mister Ordinary