A genetic conversation
Today’s random word is sweep.

Message to my readers: This short piece was published in Medium’s Fiction Shorts. It is a Drabble of precisely 100 words using the random word SWEEP. It is written as a “genetic conversation.”
Look at the sweep of my hand. Isn’t it beautiful?
What will you do with your hands today?
Applaud my good intentions.
Do your plans include helping others?
Why do you care so much about others?
They are part of your little world; you might need their help someday.
I saw a wheelbarrow full of dirt in Ed’s backyard.
Grab your shovel.
But I passed him on the street yesterday, and he didn’t ask for help.
Maybe he’s like you. And doesn’t have a mirror.
Oh, I could use his ladder to clean out my gutters.
Afterwards, you can applaud.
Reader Comments
I really liked this, Paul! First time to encounter this type of writing.
You did a great job!
Thank you, Laurie.