Justice Delayed is Justice Denied

Today’s random word is billion.

Photo by the author of Room 306, Lorraine Motel, Memphis, TN

A Drabble is a concise 100-word story that respects your busy schedule. Please stay on the page for thirty seconds so you will count as a reader. Thank you

Today’s story is Historical Fiction.


6:04.30 PM

April 4, 1968

Room 306, Lorraine Motel

Martin Luther King, Jr. has lived 1.2 billion seconds.

He has only 30 more.


Mary Louise Hunt: “Dr. King, I’m 18, a Memphis State freshman, and I want to help. Sometimes, I feel hopeless.

Martin: “Mary, I do as well. Hope is hard.”

Mary: “Why do they hate us?”

“They’re scared, and they hate themselves. I’ve seen it in their faces.”

“How do you keep from hating yourself?”

“I can’t, Mary. I’m a child of God, just as you are. They are as well. We are their salvation.”

“Bless you, Martin.”

Reader Comments

  1. Laurie Fisher

    “We are their salvation.” Profound. Will ponder this more.
    Paul, you used your “billion” very wisely.
    Thank you.

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