Today’s random word is among.

A Drabble is a concise 100-word story that respects your busy schedule. Please stay on the page for 30 seconds so your read will count, and you won’t be among the guilty ones. This Drabble was written for Fiction Shorts.
Painting: Are you judging me?
Viewer: I’m not. Or any of your friends.
What are you thinking?
Why do the men have their clothes on, and you and your friend don’t?
I’m an exhibitionist.
What do you mean?
I’ve nothing to hide, especially among friends and nature.
On the wall opposite you is a naked painting of Adam and Eve before they ate the apple. Like you, there is no shame in their eyes.
God was wrong to make us ashamed of our bodies.
Are the men with you embarrassed by their bodies?
They weren’t just a few minutes ago.