I wish I knew what to say

I wish the world was a better place, for all.

I wish no one believed 2 + 2 = 5.

I wish bad things would stop happening to innocents.

I wish Yahweh and Jesus and Mohammed and Devi and Buddha and Kant and…would convene and write across the earth’s sky in every language what is truly right and what is truly wrong so we would at least know the Blasphemers.

I wish no one’s heart was stone.

I wish no one’s mind was wracked.

I wish those who have been hurt would stop taking their hurt into the world.

I wish all leaders were good people.

I wish all caregivers cared.

I wish the content of one’s character mattered more than anything else.

I wish for strength for those who need it today and tomorrow.

I wish for more hope than despair.

I wish I had answers.

I wish I knew what to say.

Reader Comments

  1. Katie

    This is good, Paul! “I wish…” right along with you. Somehow this reminded me of the Shaker hymn Simple Gifts. Perhaps this painful turning, turning will make it possible for us to stick the landing when we “come round right”.

  2. Don Fisher

    Paul, me too.
    Preachers are supposed to know the right things to say. From personal experience, they (we) don’t. And they often don’t say well what they do say.
    I find the most help from the late night comedians. They amazingly make the shift from their comedy to what is needed at the moment. Kimmel, Colbert, Meyers… They are more honest, more empathetic, more compassionate, more communicative, more human, more real. Far more so than politicians, pundits, and the rest of us who try.

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