Clockwise or Counterclockwise?
Last week Rebecca and I started off for Trout Run, an 11 mile bike trail around our home in northeast Iowa. I said let’s do clockwise” and Rebecca nodded.

When we got to the entrance, she went left and I went right.

Later, and being curious, we talked about why we went opposite ways. I went right because I observed an imaginary clock in front of me and so headed toward 1:00. Right, from my point of view, was clockwise.
Rebecca went left because she saw herself in the center of the clock looking outward. Left, from her point of view, was right and clockwise.
We see the world, not as it is, but as we are – or as we are conditioned to see it.
Steven Covey in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
The next time you disagree with someone ask two questions: What do I see? What does she see?
You might be surprised by the anwers.
Reader Comments
So, which one of you turned to go the correct way to clockwise?
Katie, well, that depends upon whether you are looking at the clock from the outside, like me, or from the inside, like Rebecca. We were both right, from our points of views.
I’m dizzy.
Me too.
We’re still talking this one through at our house, Paul. 24 hours later we conclude, no matter how open you are to each other’s perspective, unless one of you turns around you will not be able to enjoy riding the path together.
Katie, thanks for the note. We are still talking about this as well. Maybe getting more confused. Maybe not. As to real bike event in real time, I think we decided to go right mostly because of the wind and agreed to disagree about clockwise. Riding together was more important than one or the other being right. In your terms, enjoying the path together was more important.