Today’s random word is urine

A Drabble is a concise 100-word story that respects your busy schedule. Please stay on the page for 30 seconds so your read will count, and you won’t be among the guilty ones.
You’re in.
This is it.
What I’ve been working toward all my life.
It was my dad’s dream.
I made it mine.
Mom took me to practice every day when I was a kid.
They said I was too small.
And not fast enough.
Here I am, about to step on the sacred dirt in my hometown.
In front of family and friends.
And Kathy. Who’s believed in me since high school.
Field of Dreams.
I won’t screw this up.
I’m ready.
“Willie, did you hear me? Go in and take the urine test. And you’ll be batting seventh today.”